Create a FREE website that you can effortlessly manage from home or the office. Whether for fun or as part of your business marketing, websites are the best way to connect with people directly. Share your creativity, interests, or business. Learn the website essentials while setting up a FREE website you can continue to use or upgrade. Create the website with your own prepared text, images, branding, and videos, or add them later.
“Don't think of your website as a self-promotion machine, think of it as a self-invention machine.” ― Austin Kleon
Free SEO
Get found on the internet. Increase your online visibility & get more visitors to your Website, eBook, Blog, & Social Media pages. Businesses know that SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is an essential part of their marketing budget however we will explore how you can utilise SEO techniques for FREE! This is a practical hands-on process where you will develop an SEO strategy & also adjust your SEO settings. Work directly on your sites or learn from examples.
“The role of the designer is that of a good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests.” ― Charles Eames
How we can help:
Essential Website Techniques Website Final Checks SEO Strategy & Updates Trouble Shooting Branding Website Design & Setup Image Editing Techniques